The template generator is supplied with Websydian and is installed with the Websydian installation script. In order to enable the Template Generator and allow you to run it from within the Plex IDE you need to perform a number of steps.
You have the choice of a Windows C++ or a Java version of the Template Generator and configuration depends on the choice of Windows or Java.
A number of objects are required to be in your GEN\Release folder in order for the Template generator to run. These objects are supplied with the Websydian installation and is placed in the sub folder named TemplateGenerator\PlexX.X\GEN
The folder structure of the Template Generator supplied with Websydian
The Websydian template generator uses a configuration file named Websydian.ini which is located in your GEN\Release folder.
This is a reference by path and file name to the script used in order to execute the actual template generation.
The template generator requires that you specify the location of the meta templates that will be used during the template generation.
This is the location where the final templates are created by the template generator.
This is where the template generator will save the XML files that hold information about your model and is used by the template generator to create the final templates.
This is the location where the final templates are created by the template generator, used by the _DocumentTemplateGenerator.
In order for the CA Plex IDE to execute the Websydian template generator you need to add the path of the Websydian template generator runtime to the Ob600RC.ini file located in your GEN\Release folder.
Multiple folders are separated by a ; (semicolon).
A number of files and folders are required to be in your GEN folder in order for the Template generator to run. These objects are supplied with the Websydian installation and is placed in the sub folder named TemplateGenerator\Plex\sddsdGEN
The folder structure of the Template Generator supplied with Websydian
The Websydian template generator uses a configuration file named Websydian.prop which is located in your GEN\bld folder.
TemplateGenerator=c:/Websydian/Websydian v6.5/TemplateGenerator/TemplateGen.cmd
MetaTemplatePath=c:/Websydian/Websydian v6.5/TemplateGenerator/metatemplates
This is a reference by path and file name to the script used in order to execute the actual template generation.
The template generator requires that you specify the location of the meta templates that will be used during the template generation.
This is the location where the final templates are created by the template generator.
This is where the template generator will save the XML files that hold information about your model and is used by the template generator to create the final templates.
In order for you to run the _CreateTemplates function from within your Plex generate and build window you need to reference a number of jar files from your Generate and Build Options - System Properties.
The System Properties where you need to add specific jar files
Open the Generate and Build Options select the System Definitions and your system then go to the Java Build section.
Make sure that you reference the following jar files in either the "JDK classes" or "User classes" text field.
These files are supplied with Websydian in the folder named \Development\PlexX.X\jars.
If based on a default location the final text string to add would look like this for Plex v6.1 (for readability a line break have been added after the ; if you copy and paste this make sure to remove the line break before pasting into Plex)
c:\Websydian\Websydian v6.5\Development\Plex6.1\jars\WsydTmpl.jar;
c:\Websydian\Websydian v6.5\Development\Plex6.1\jars\xalan.jar;
c:\Websydian\Websydian v6.5\Development\Plex6.1\jars\xercesImpl.jar;